Magnus Kiemer Productions

Top 10 Plugin List

you need for recording, Mixing and Mastering

You may be asking why i have chosen to make a Top 10 Plugin list, when there are so many out there. Well, let me tell you why.

No two engineers or producers create music or tracks the same way and my way, I believe, will resonate with you that you may not have found before.

For links to download each Plugin, just click on the images.

Top 10 Plugin number 1.)

Nova EQ by Tokyo Dawn Labs

What does it do? An EQ or Equaliser helps to shape the sound and also is used by engineers and musicians alike to carve ‘Bad’ noises out of their sound to make it more listenable to whoever will hear it.

Why is it on my ‘ Top 10 Plugin ‘ list? This Dynamic EQ plug-in is my go to for everything that involves tone shaping. Its ability to sculpt away unwanted frequencies without harshly carving away at the audio is so valuable and tasteful. That Coupled with its extended range allows for much easier and quicker EQ application.

Plugin number 2.)

ReaXComp by Cockos(Reaper)

What does it do? A Compressor is a tool to help control the way that the waveforms from the tracks will be generated through the tool. Which means that you can add more dynamics, or even take some dynamics out.

Why is it on my ‘ Top 10 Plugin ‘ list?  one of the mist useful tools in any mixers arsenal, when applied very delicately can bring any audio to the next level. I find it particularly useful on heavy distorted guitars and using it to keep palm mutes in check and atop them from drowning out the crisp high end.

Top 10 Plugin number 3.)

Rough Rider 3 Compressor by Audio Damage

What does it do? A Compressor is a tool to help control the way that the waveforms from the tracks will be generated through the tool. Which means that you can add more dynamics, or even take some dynamics out.

Why is it on my ‘ Top 10 Plugin ‘ list? This extremely aggressive compressor is one of my favourite plug-ins to use especially on things like percussion instruments and especially Metal drums when wanting to bring out punchiness.

Plugin Number 4.)

Diablo Lite By Cymatics

What does it do?  Drum enhancers helps to provide punch and a bit more attack to the sound to any drums and even some other instruments if needed.

Why is it on my ‘ Top 10 Plugin ‘ list? By far a very underrated plug-in, something I use near enough every time I have a kick drum signal, this Enhancer adds so much more low end punch and transforms a mediocre kick drum signal into a pure slap in the face.

Top 10 Plugin number 5.)

BX Solo By Brain Works

What does it do? Will let you switch between stereo (Wide sound) and mono (Sounds like the song is being played in the middle).

Why is it on my ‘ Top 10 Plugin ‘ list? Something I find myself using more and more is the BX Solo. This plug in allows you to switch back and forth between stereo and mono as well as isolate the outer signals, or increase the stereo width of your audio. A true unsung hero when mastering mixes that perhaps could use a little lift on the outward panned instruments to help bring them forward.

Top 10 Plugin number 5.)

Valhalla Supermassive by Valhalla DSP

What does it do?  A synthesiser that allows you to ‘beef’ up tracks to make them sound bigger and stronger.

Why is it on my ‘ Top 10 Plugin ‘ list? Perhaps one of the wackiest and sometimes wildly out of control plug-ins I’ve ever come across. It took me a little while to get this beast under control however when applied in small amounts and dialled in just right. The Super Massive reverb from Valhalla DSP bring everything from vocals, lead guitar lines, even to strange sound effects to life and into a world of their own. From things such as amazingly quirky reverse reverbs to strange synthesizer reverbs, the possibilities with this are endless.

Top 10 Plugin number 7.)

LoudMAX by Thomas Mundt

What does it do? The limiter plugin allows you to bring the track up without letting it peak past. They let you choose a limit to which the sound will go up to but never pass beyond.

Why is it on my ‘ Top 10 Plugin ‘ list? This is a classic example of simple yet effective. The LoudMAX compressor/limiter is something everyone needs in their toolbox. Simply slap it on whenever you’re mixing and back off the output to -0.3 and that’s you got a simple limiter on board that always does its job.

Plugin Number 8.)

CHANNEV By Analogue Obsession

What does it do? This is an all round plugin that contains many addition features.

Why is it on my ‘ Top 10 Plugin ‘ list? This Neve inspired vocal chain plug in contains everything you need to take a neatly recorded yet boring vocal track into a spicy and lively performance. Containing an EQ, Compression, drive, DE-Esser and limiter the Channev is simple to just put into your chain and tweak the setting and bring your vocals to life.

Top 10 Plugin number 9.)

Ggate by KVR Audio

What does it do? Gate’s are for opening and closing within certain frequencies. So that small sounds and hissing may not be heard while the tracks are being played.

Why is it on my ‘ Top 10 Plugin ‘ list? If you are like me and have had guitar tracks that are supposed to be nice and tight but are just not quite there yet but you’d rather not spend ages trimming and clipping tracks. The the Ggate is perfect for this. Most frequently used on guitar and bass tracks its simple layout allows you to just dial in the perfect noise gate and takes guitar tracks from sloppy to tight and aggressive.

Plugin Number 10.)

TDR Kotelnikov By Tokyo Dawn Records

What does it do? A Compressor is a tool to help control the way that the waveforms from the tracks will be generated through the tool. Which means that you can add more dynamics, or even take some dynamics out.

Why is it on my ‘ Top 10 Plugin ‘ list? Simply put, this plugin is a life saver, be it for drum bus compression or mastering, this thing can handle it without a sweat. (2 plugins from the same developer? They’re definitely doing something right.) This plugin is subtle enough to be applied without ruining your mix but when you want it to be aggressive it can do it, and certainly not disappoint.

And that is the end of my top 10 Plugin list.